Jeremy, age 28, currently works for UPS. He was just married this last summer to a very wonderful girl, Jenny, who
we are proud to have in the family. Their wedding was on August 21, 2004. They have two beautiful little girls, Kloie
and Olivia, ages 7 and 5.

Shanda, age 27, lives about 30 minutes from us. She does childcare in her home. She is engaged to be married
in May 2005. Her fiance, Mickey, is a wonderful man whom we are delighted to welcome to the family.

Jason, age 24, is currently living in Leadville, Colorado. He works at Copper Mountain Ski Resort and absolutely
loves living "high in the sky". He loves the new opportunity to ski when he wants! He and his wife, Elise, were
married in September 2003.

Sara, age 22, has spent the last several years since highschool working. She is now a full time student at UW-Oshkosh
studying journalism and elementary education.