The morning after we returned to Kiev after an all night train ride, My husband and I, Anna, Oles, Elizabeth and Jonathan
went to very nice Ukrainian restaurant in the area where our hotel was. The food was outstanding, however, we were almost
too exhausted to enjoy it! There had been many days of running and nights with late hours. We are so incredibly grateful
to Oles for the work he did to complete our adoption. We are very blessed to know him.

Sunday evening, July 30th, Oles took Jonathan, Elizabeth, Anna and I to the area at the center of Kiev. The street was closed
to traffic. We ate a meal at the Ukrainian version of "Old Country Buffet" and then strolled the street, pausing
to sit around a beautiful fountain. Jon & Liz waded in the fountain with other children while Oles and I entertained
Anna. In this picture Oles offered Anna the use of his cell phone to call Daddy!

This picture was actually taken before we went to Odessa. This Ukrainian musician was sitting outside St. Sophia's Cathedral
playing some very beautiful music. I was very captivated by his music and asked his permission to photograph him.

We visited St. Michael Orthodox Church in Kiev while were there. It was an especially beautiful building. Jonathan and Elizabeth
are in the foreground of this picture.